Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Sins of the Father Ch. 3

Dean smiled at Mara as she got out of the car. He wrapped one arm around her waist as she wrapped one around his neck. Dean helped her walk into the hotel room. The cuts on her back were pretty bad. “You okay,” he whispered. She nodded but didn’t say anything else. Sam followed behind them and closed the door. He threw his stuff on the bed as Dean helped Mara into the bathroom. Sam pulled a chair from the table in there and Mara sat down. “Let me take a look at that,” Dean said quickly. Sam got a cloth from the bag and handed it to Dean. Then he walked out, closed the door, and lay down on the bed.

Mara sat down, straddling the chair and Dean slowly removed her shirt to reveal four large gashes along her back. She took in a sharp breath when he removed the shirt as it tore at the drying blood. “Shh,” he whispered. Dean filled the sink with water and dipped the cloth in the warm water. He softly pressed it to her tender skin and she jumped slightly and winced. After that it didn’t hurt much. Dean’s touch was soft. He was always good at that. He finished wiping the blood away. “I’m gonna let that air out a bit before I put some bandages on it. It will hurt less to take them off.” Mara nodded and sighed closing her eyes and letting her head fall forward. Dean walked around and knelt down in front of her. He lifted her head and looked into her emerald green eyes. “Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?” She nodded slowly as a couple tears fell down her face. “Shh,” he whispered wiping the tears away with his thumb. “What’s wrong?”

Mara sat up straight and sighed. She stood slowly and leaned against the counter. It felt better to stand anyway. “Nothing,” she said softly. Dean walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, careful not to hit the wounds on her back.

“Mara,” he whispered in her ear. “It’s okay.” Dean felt her tremble in his arms. He was worried about her. Mara rarely got like this. She was usually strong and quite often in charge of everything, always in control. The last time he saw her like this was when Sam left for college. She told him that everything was falling apart. The fight Sam and John had terrified her. She genuinely thought that Sam would never come back. “Mara what’s wrong,” he whispered. He felt Mara clench her hands around his shirt and he sighed. He gently rubbed her shoulders, letting her know he wasn’t going anywhere. He looked down at her and sighed. “It’s gonna be all right,” he whispered. “Don’t worry. We’ll be fine. Sammy’s here, I’m here. Everything’s going to be okay.”

Mara wanted so badly to believe him but she didn’t see how it could be. They still weren’t a family. John was gone now and Mara worried that she would never be able to have all of them together at the same time. She wanted what Dean wanted and in that they were so much alike. Her father abandoned her and she never knew why. She didn’t want to lose the Winchesters too. Dean could see it in her eyes. He sighed and kissed her forehead. “Mara,” he whispered cupping her face in his hands. He sighed and wished he knew what to say but he didn’t. He felt the same way she did. He felt like his family had fallen apart again. He feared they’d never be whole as well. Dean didn’t like this feeling. This incapability to comfort her. He had always been able to make Mara smile.

Dean sighed and looked into her eyes. He ran his hand along her cheek and her jaw line. He always did think she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever meet. Ever since he was a kid he’d been in love with her. His dad told him once that the night his mother died Dean said he would marry Mara some day. Dean laughed at the thought but now, with her standing in front of him so fragile, so broken; he’d seriously consider it. He’d do anything to make her feel better, to give her a family. Dean leaned forward slowly and kissed her lips lightly. Mara’s first thought was that it was another dream. Then she resigned herself to the thought that if it were a dream she would make it last. Dean wrapped his arms around her small waist and enveloped her mouth in a deep loving kiss. Mara’s arms wrapped around his neck and held him tightly. The taste of blood ruined the moment though. She backed away and studied him. She had completely forgotten about the cuts on his face until that moment.

Mara sighed and she pushed herself up on the counter. She picked up the cloth that was in the sink and smiled. “Come here,” she said with a laugh. She was always cleaning up Dean’s injuries. Even as a kid he was quite accident-prone. She smiled and ran the cloth along the cuts.

She smiled at him when she finished and dropped the cloth in the sink. “Do I get a treat,” he asked with his charming smile.

“Sure go ask Sam,” she said with a smile. Dean laughed and looked down. “I wanted to see you,” she said after a long time. “In… In Lawrence. We were there. I wanted to see you.” Mara’s voice was soft, sad and somewhat angry. “He wouldn’t let me. He said it was still too dangerous.” Dean watched her and his heart ached. They were in Lawrence? Why didn’t his father call back? Why would he keep Mara from Dean? He knew what Dean felt for her. Everyone and their dog knew what Dean felt for her, save maybe Mara and Dean themselves. Dean sighed and shook his head. “Then… then Sam called and… and,” she paused and looked down. “Dean he said you were dying. I… I begged your father to let me go, to let me find you but he wouldn’t. He kept saying, it’s all right he’s a tough boy. He’ll make it through.” Mara sighed and closed her eyes, a few tears falling down her face. “I was so scared,” she whispered.

Dean wrapped his arms around her once more and held her close. She closed her eyes and listened to his steady heartbeat. “Does that sounds like the heartbeat of a dying man,” he asked quietly. “I’m fine now. Don’t worry about it. It helps just to know you wanted to be there.” He smiled and kissed her lips lightly once more.

“Dean what are you doing,” she whispered. Dean looked down and actually blushed. Mara hardly ever saw him blush like that. She couldn’t help but laugh. Then she cupped his face in her hands and pulled him forward to kiss him. Dean’s hands rested on her hips as he moved forward, standing between her legs as she let them dangle off the counter. Dean’s hands slid up her back, over her wounds carefully so he wouldn’t hurt her. Dean’s hands found the back of her black bra and he slowly undid the hooks. While he did that Mara’s hands slid under his shirt and up over his chest, she broke their kiss just long enough to get his shirt off and throw it behind him. Dean carefully slid the straps of her bra off her shoulders. He dropped it on the floor next to him and pulled her closer.

Mara gasped as she felt his lips travel down her neck. She let her head fall back as he moved lower. Dean’s graceful hands made short work of her jeans and he dropped them on the floor as well. Mara wrapped her legs around him as his hands moved up her thighs. Mara ran her hands down along his smooth chest and struggled with his belt, finally she loosened it and managed to get his jeans off as well. Both knew this wasn’t the best place for what they were doing but they certainly couldn’t take it to the bed because Sammy was there. Mara let the smallest of ecstatic moans escape her lips as she felt Dean’s hand’s tug at her panties. This was not how she imagine it, well there was that dream before but that didn’t count. They quickly rid themselves of anything separating them. Now the only thing between them was air and even that was soon gone as Dean picked her up.

Sam sat in the room and glanced to the door after a while. They were in there a long time. He stood and walked over to knock on the door but what he heard made him stop. A small smile formed on his lips. “I’m gonna grab a bite to eat,” he shouted. “I’ll probably be gone for a couple hours.” With that Sam picked up the keys to Dean’s car and walked out of the room. He figured he’d give them some privacy and let them at least get to a bed and not the bathroom floor.

Dean picked Mara up off the counter again and carried her into the bedroom. He set her gently on the bed before climbing on top of her. He kissed every inch of skin that he could as he made his way to her lips. Mara’s breathing was heavy, more like panting and the desire in her was unbearable. She had been with other men, even thought herself in love once but nothing was like Dean Winchester. His touch was fire his kiss was pure ecstasy. Every movement was carefully calculated. He was more than graceful. It was like a dream and Mara prayed that it wasn’t. Before long the both of them were covered in beads of sweat. Neither of them spoke a word but actions spoke louder than words anyway.

Their time of passion ended. That’s what would best describe it. Passion. Dean held her in his arms and stared up at the ceiling. Mara’s heart was still racing. “I’m waiting to wake up,” she whispered. This made Dean laugh. “God, if your father knew.”

“That’s just wrong,” Dean said with a laugh. He looked down at her and smiled, kissing her forehead. It was different than when he held Cassie. Most of their relationship was physical, lustful. Mara was different. He would die for her. He would do anything for Mara. The boy had been in love with her since birth. His father told him a story once that when they were in the nursery of the hospital. He stood by the window with Mary and the two of them were holding hands. Dean held her close and sighed. “You don’t regret it do you?”

Mara had always been the pure one, or at least more so than him. He was worried she would regret what they had done. “No,” she whispered. Her head rested on his chest, as she had done so many times growing up. Of course then they didn’t just get done having sex and they were clothed. She sighed and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep. “I love you,” she whispered absently.

Dean’s heart stopped and he stared down at her but realized she was asleep. Had she meant that? Dean always had feelings for her, strong feelings, but he didn’t know if he was ready to admit it was love. That idea terrified him. Luckily his cell phone rang so he wouldn’t have to think about it. The caller I.D. said it was Sam. Dean picked up the phone and sighed. “What is it Sam?”

“Dean Winchester,” an older man’s voice sounded. Dean sat up straight, causing Mara to wake up. She sat up and stared at him. Something was wrong she could see it in his eyes. “You boys have really grown up,” the man’s voice said. “Bring her to me,” he said coldly. “You get her to the old brewery on 3rd by midnight and maybe little Sammy might live.”

Dean could hear his brother’s breathing in the background. It was slow and labored. He heard Sam cough, it sounded like he was coughing up blood and that worried Dean. “Sammy! SAM!” he shouted into the phone. Dean hung up the phone and jumped out of bed. He quickly put on some clothes and looked at Mara. The man couldn’t have been talking about Mara could he? Dean froze and stared at her. How could he offer her up? How could he choose between her and his brother? Sam always came first and Dean knew she would understand. “Get dressed,” he said softly. He wouldn’t tell her. Not until he had too.


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