Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sins of the Father ch. 4

Mara got dressed as quickly as she could. She stumbled as she slid on her jeans, not nearly as graceful as Dean. Though she knew he had experience getting into his clothes and out of a hotel room quickly. She finally got dressed and followed him quickly out the door. Dean stopped when he got out side and cursed loudly. “Sam took the car,” he said with a sigh. “Shit.” Dean threw his hands up in frustration.

Mara looked around then back at Dean. “What the hell is going on,” she snapped at him. Mara finished buttoning her black semi-sheer blouse. “Dean what’s going on? Who was that? Where’s Sam?”

Dean looked down at her and studied her. His heart broke with what he was going to do. “Come on,” he said grabbing her arm. Dean headed forward, practically dragging the girl down the street behind him. She ran to catch up with him.

“Dean what’s going on? Tell me please?” Mara stopped Dean and turned him around to face her. “Damn it Dean Winchester! You do not do that to me, say those things then don’t tell me when you’re brother is in trouble,” she shouted. “Where the hell is Sammy? Is he all right? Is he alive? Who was that? Say something damn it!”

“He’s been kidnapped,” he shouted. “Again!” Mara was stopped suddenly. Again? What did that mean? Why did they mean again? “I just got him back Mara!” Mara looked at him confused. “Come on,” he shouted taking her by her arm once more. Mara tore her arm away. She ran along side him and didn’t say a word. He had lost Sammy? Someone kidnapped Sammy? How much had she missed? Yet another painful moment in Dean’s life that she hadn’t been there for him. Mara silently cursed John Winchester for it.

Hours passed before Mara finally forced him to stop. It was 11:30 when they stopped. “Dean, please,” she said softly. Mara was exhausted and it was showing. “Dean, I’m exhausted we’ve been at this all day,” she said softly.

Dean sighed and looked over at her. She was shivering. He hadn’t realized how cold it had gotten that night. Dean took his jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders. He wrapped his strong arms around her and hugged her close. She was trembling, crying he could hear it. This was the second time today Dean witnessed her cry. Sammy meant everything to her as well and he knew that. “Mara,” he whispered. “We can’t stop now. He said I had to be there by midnight or Sam would die.”

Mara looked up at him. The full moon reflected off her tear-filled emerald eyes. “What does he want Dean?”

Dean sighed and stared at her. He couldn’t tell her. Not after what they did. He couldn’t tell her he was giving her away for Sam. He couldn’t. “I don’t know,” he lied. It was the first time in twenty-six years that he had ever lied to Mara. His heart broke to do it but he had to. Dean ran his fingers through her short red hair. He kissed her forehead and the continued on their search.

Finally they were able to find the brewery that the man told them about. It was old and looked as though it hadn’t been used in years. Dean walked inside, holding Mara’s wrist. He held her tight it hurt. “Dean,” she said softly through gritted teeth. “You’re hurting me.” Dean slowly loosened his grip on Mara’s wrist but didn’t let go.

“I was beginning to worry Dean,” the same man’s voice sounded. It echoed around the dark room. Dean had no idea where it was coming from. A spotlight went on showing Sam hanging by his wrists from the rafters. There were small wires holding him there that were cutting into his wrists.

“Sam,” Dean whispered. He let go of Mara and ran to Sam. “Sammy,” he whispered. Dean looked at him and found his brother was pale, deathly pale. His skin was cold and his clothes were covered in blood. Dean saw the source of his wounds was a large gash that went across his chest. Sam was unconscious, his entire body weight pulling on the wires that were cutting into his wrists. Dean grabbed him around the waist and attempted to relieve some of the pressure on the wires so they didn’t cut into him anymore.

Mara stood a few feet away. She looked around to find where the voice was coming from. “My you’ve grown so much,” the man’s voice said. Mara turned and saw a familiar face walk down the steps. Her heart caught in her throat. She couldn’t believe whom she saw in front of her. “You look so much like your mother,” he whispered as he walked to her. Mara took a step back. It was her father. He hadn’t aged a day since she was four years old.

“That’s… that’s impossible,” she whispered. She looked over at Dean and started towards him when her father grabbed her wrist.

“Nothing’s impossible Mara,” he whispered in her ear. “Honestly Dean I didn’t think you’d be so willing to give her up like this.”

Mara’s eyes shot to Dean as he looked over at them. He couldn’t believe who stood before him. That man had ruined Mara’s life. Destroyed her future and involved her in the Winchester’s sorry excuse for a childhood. Anger raged inside Dean and he let go of Sam, causing him to drop and the wires to cut into his wrist even more. Dean took a small pocketknife from his pocket and cut the wires causing Sam’s lifeless body to drop to the floor.

“Give me up,” she said coldly. Dean knelt down by Sam and looked up at Mara. There was pain and regret in his eyes. “You said you didn’t know what he wanted,” she snapped at him. She looked down at Sammy and tears filled her eyes.

“This is your chance Winchester,” Mara’s father said quickly. “You’re quickly losing time and your brother doesn’t have much of that.”

Sam was beginning to regain consciousness. Dean looked up at him and helped him up, putting Sam arm over his shoulders and his own arm around Sam’s waist. He looked at Mara. Mara bit her lower lip, hard enough to draw blood but she didn’t notice. “Go, get Sammy out of here Dean!”

“I’ll come back-”

“Save it,” she snapped at him as he carried Sam out the door.

Mara was left there with her father. She looked at him with tears in her eyes. “Shh, baby don’t cry,” he whispered. Her father went to wipe the tears away and she shoved his hand back.

“Don’t touch me,” she said coldly. Her father wrapped his arms around her and she struggled to push him away but he was stronger.

“We have so much catching up to do,” he whispered to her, kissing her forehead. “You really do look so much like your mother. It’s a shame she had to die like that, begging me to take care of you,” he said with a small smile.

Mara knew her mother died giving birth. She vaguely knew when she was younger but it had been John Winchester that told her that. Her father was never there for it. She hadn’t died giving birth though, or at least it wasn’t the labor that killed her. He killed her, her father. Why? Mara swallowed hard, choking back her tears and anger. “You sure did a hell of a job with that,” she said coldly.

Her father backhanded her. The force of his hit was stronger than any normal man’s should be. “You will NOT talk to you father like that,” he shouted at her.

“Well then it’s a good thing I don’t,” she said coldly.

He glared at her and threw her down on the ground. “John Winchester is not your father Mara, I am and you know it so stop being a stubborn little child.” Mara stood quickly and glared at him. “Maybe when you wake up you’ll see things differently,” he said calmly with a smile on her face. Mara barely had time to register his fist coming at her face before everything went black.

Dean carried Sam out to the car and searched Sam’s pockets for the keys. Finally he found them in Sam’s coat pocket. Dean rushed around to the other side of the car and jumped in. He started the car and tore off down the road to the nearest hospital. Dean got Sam in there easily with Sam’s injuries, not many questions were asked. It was a small town, the kind of town where the doctors care more about the patients than money. Dean was grateful for that. He paced the waiting room and called his father several times, each time he got no answer. Dean’s heart was pounding in his chest. He left her there. He couldn’t believe he left her there. Dean sank down into one of the chairs several hours after arriving. Just as he sat down the doctor walked out to him. Dean stood quickly. “You’re brother has a couple of broken ribs. The more pressing concern was the loss of blood from his wrists and chest. We were able to stop the bleeding and gave him a blood transfusion. Right now he’s stable, but I can’t guarantee anything.”

Dean nodded, slightly relieved. At least he was alive for the moment. “Can I see him?” The doctor nodded slowly and told him that if he needed anything Dean would be able to find him. Dean nodded and walked towards Sam’s room. He pulled a chair over and sat by Sam’s bed. Dean sat there for hours, holding Sam’s hand. The room was silent, save for the sound of the heart monitor steadily beeping away. It was the only comfort Dean had, for the moment.

“Dean,” a familiar and comforting voice came from behind him. Dean turned quickly and saw his father standing in the doorway. Dean stood quickly. The oldest Winchester boy couldn’t hold back the tears.

“I tried Dad,” he said softly. Memories of times he’d failed Sammy flooded back to his mind. The look of disappointment in his father’s eyes haunted him. “I tried but,” he paused and looked down.

Then Dean felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at his father. There wasn’t disappointment in his eyes, anger yes, as usual but that heartbreaking disappointment that was always there was gone. “Will he be all right?”

“I… I think so,” Dean answered his father quietly. “The doctor said he lost a lot of blood but for now he’s stable.” Dean sank back down into the chair and ran his hands through his hair.

“Have you slept,” John asked his son softly. Dean shook his head and that was followed by a loud sigh from his father. John sat down in a chair by the window. He looked around. Dean hadn’t said what happened on the messages just that Sam was hurt. “Where’s Mara?”


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